Goals of the International Competition Network

We believe that the organization of a National Competition for Terroir Products allows to establish a positive competition between different products of the same country by triggering the different regions and territories ‘participation.

Thanks to this tool, the stakeholders responsible for value chains structuring and for promoting local products can enhance the know-how of local producers and bring them closer to consumers, while ensuring a continuous improvement in the quality of these products and facilitating their market access.

Why organize a National Contest
for Terrior Products in a country?

It is the most efficient, integrated approach for promoting producers of origin-linked products. Creating and maintaining local jobs, a contest also helps to preserve and develop a living culinary heritage that generates satisfaction. The opportunity for producers to be recognized by consumers is clearly a factor that motivates them to continue their work.

The National Contest for Terrior Products is also an extraordinary driving force that can boost a country’s entire regional products sector.

Products entering the Contest have very strong ties to their region of origin. By raising their visibility, one contributes to developing the entire economic fabric of that region, generating revenue for it.